Sunday, July 15, 2007

Let the (special interest) games begin!

A job posting in a campaign newsletter caught my eye today. EMILY's List, the awkwardly named pro-abortion group with one of the biggest bank accounts in all of politics, is looking for someone to help develop their fundraising website. This is a reminder of how much special interest groups use election time to their advantage. As political issues become top-of-mind, political issue groups stand to make more money than in any of the other 3 years in the cycle.

EMILY's List seeks Web Assistant to help develop,
implement and maintain all online marketing
and fundraising efforts. Knowledge of
HTML, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Photoshop and
content management systems required, as well
as college degree and interest in electing prochoice
Democratic women. Salary commensurate
with experience. Comprehensive benefits
package. Fax résumé, writing sample and
cover letter to 202-326-1415, attn: Web
Manager or email at
– subject line: Web Assistant - NO CALLS. For
more information, visit

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